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San Gabriel Valley
Mobile Notary Public Service
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We're not limited to these, but just to name a few of our common documents in the San Gabriel Valley Area, we notarize:
Advance health care directive
* Affidavit for Name Change
* Appointment of Agent for Real Estate Transactions
* Appointment of Guardian/Conservator
* Business transactions (partnership agreements, shareholder agreements, etc.)
* Certified Copies of Vital Records (birth, death, marriage, etc.)
* Commencement Exercise Program
* Community Property Agreement
* Corporate Minutes/Director Resignation/Shareholder's Agreement/Bylaws
* Divorce Decree (Uncontested)
* Grant Deeds
* Guardianship
* Power of Attorney
* Minor Travel
* Minor Passport
* Quitclaim Deeds
Mobile Notary Public Service is here to help you. We are committed to getting your documents notarized correctly the first time, avoiding any possible problems in the future. Since 2007, Mobile Notary Public Service has been providing prompt service with the highest level of professionalism. Our professional notaries are prompt, efficient, and courteous; qualities that make us stand out from other mobile notary public services in San Gabriel Valley, California. We offer same-day appointments.
Our professional staff will be happy to help you with any questions or concerns about obtaining your document notarized.
Our San Gabriel Valley Travel consist of: